MICHAEL  AYRTON 



                MICHAEL  AYRTON

             Icarus Rising - var. III
                       edition of 6
                      101 cm high
Provenance: Private collection, UK

                MICHAEL  AYRTON

                      Mirror Twins
                  bronze & perspex
                       edition of 12
                       42 cm high
 Provenance: Private collection,UK                                

                MICHAEL  AYRTON

                 Mirrored Figure II
               bronze and perspex
                       edition of 12
                        41 cm high

      R S Johnson, Chicago, c. 1973;
            Private collection, USA


               Studies for sculpture

  Laocoon Maze Figure 111 [study]
               1972, ink and pencil 
                signed, 34 x 49 cm
     Provenance: Terence Doherty
 'Michael Ayrton',CannonBrookes  Birmingham, 1978, p. 129, pl. 235

         Laocoon Maze Figure Vlll 
   1972, crayon, signed, 35 x 50 cm

               MICHAEL  AYRTON

            Laocoon Maze Figure ll
                       edition of 9
                       24 cm high
    Provenance:  Christies; PC, UK

                MICHAEL  AYRTON

                    Personal Janus
                        37 cm high
            Provenance: The artist; 
          Arnold Haskell collection
      [Self-portrait and Minotaur]

                MICHAEL  AYRTON

          Double Figure in Balance
                       edition of 6
      142 cm high [excluding base]
     Provenance: Christies auction 
          13 December 1999. lot 92;
            Andrew Burt collection

                MICHAEL  AYRTON

                  Advancing Figure
                        60 cm long
 Provenance: Vincent Price Gallery
            Private collection, USA

               MICHAEL  AYRTON

                Point of Departure
                 edition of 9 - 4/9
                       41 cm high
     Provenance: Mallams auction 
              13 June 2015, lot 627;
            Andrew Burt collection

                MICHAEL  AYRTON

                   Emerging Heads
                       35 cm high
    Provenance: Roy Davids coll'n.;
   Bonhams, 4 March 2015, lot 214

                MICHAEL  AYRTON 
             Discovery of Nautilus
                  bronze & perspex
                        edition of 9
                        57 cm long
  Provenance: Peter Holland coll'n.


               studies for sculpture

Discovery of Nautilus study, 1970
ink and wash, signed, 39 x 48 cm
Provenance: Andrew Burt coll'n.
Exhibited: Bruton Gallery, 1971, no. 51; Maze & Minotaur, 1973, 66
Literature: 'Michael Ayrton..'
P Cannon-Brookes, Birmingham,
p. 119, pl. 214; Nyenhuis, p. 281

Study for Sculpture, 1974
ink & wash, signed, 39 x 48 cm
Provenance: Andrew Burt coll'n.

Translucent Heads, 1970
ink & wash, signed, 40 x 48 cm
Provenance: Christies, 14.10.2004
Andrew Burt collection
Literature: Nyenhuis 710

               MICHAEL  AYRTON

                       edition of 9
      31 cm high [excluding base]
  Provenance: Artist's family, 1996             Andrew Burt collection

                MICHAEL  AYRTON

                 Reflective Heads ll
                        41 cm high
        Provenance: Artist's family;
              Private collection, UK
Literature: Cannon-Brookes p. 215
                 Nyenhuis, no. 743

               MICHAEL  AYRTON

                     Arkville Maze
             fibreglass and bronze
                        edition of 3
                        68 x 92 cm
        Provenance: Artist's family
    Final maquette for the Arkville            Maze in the USA - including                      bronze Minotaur and                         Daedalus/Icarus Matrix

                 MICHAEL  AYRTON

            bronze, steel and string
                   edition of 9 - 1/9
                       174 cm high
   Provenance: Private coll., USA

                 study for sculpture

 Study for Web / Cage Mirror Maze
                      ink and wash
                        49 x 39 cm
  Provenance: Andrew Burt coll'n.

               MICHAEL  AYRTON

               Daedalus at Cumae
                      edition of 6
                    52.5 cm high
     Provenance: The artist [1963];
      Joe Perelstein, NY, collection

              PAINTINGS  and  DRAWINGS

                The Neo-Romantic Series - 1939-46

                            MICHAEL  AYRTON  -  Gethsemane, 1944
                           oil on board, signed and dated, 52 x 65 cm
                    Provenance: Redfern Gallery, one-man exhibition, 1945 
       John Lehmann collection; Agnews; Sothebys, 25 May 1985, lot 185;
                  Christies, 21 March 2018, lot 149; Andrew Burt collection
       Literature: 'Michael Ayrton', J Laver, Grey Walls Press, 1948, pl. 16

                   MICHAEL  AYRTON  -  Temptation of St Anthony ll, 1942
                                              gouache, signed, 40 x 50 cm
             Provenance: Redfern Gallery, one-man exhibition, July 1943;
                                         B Stross, MP; C Hoare collections 

            MICHAEL  AYRTON  -  The Satyr Disturbed [Self Portrait], 1942
                                               oil on board, signed, 25 x 35 cm
                                                 Provenance: Sworders, 2012

                                   MICHAEL  AYRTON  -  Le Mafraye, 1943
                                          oil on canvas, signed, 52 x 62 cm
                             Provenance: The Artist; Private collection, UK
     Literature: 'Michael Ayrton', J Laver, Grey Walls Press, 1948 [illust.]
                'Michael Ayrton..', P Cannon-Brookes, Birm, 1978, pl. 27]
            [aka Mrs Chittenden - the house keeper of a friend of Ayrton's  
                                            who thought she was a witch]

                MICHAEL  AYRTON

                      Dark Trinity l
                         44 x 34 cm
     Provenance: Christies auction,                  11 March 2004, lot 227
            Andrew Burt collection
  Exhibited:  one-man exhibitions:
       R S Johnson, USA, 1984, pl. 1
   Austin/Desmond FA, 1990, pl. 1


                MICHAEL  AYRTON

                      Girl Kneeling
                       oil on board
                        36 x 26 cm
       Provenance: Sworders, 2012


                MICHAEL  AYRTON

              St Anthony's Shadow
               watercolour and ink
                         31 x 23 cm
Provenance: Albemarle Gallery,'91
   Andrew Burt collection [1st one]
       Literature: Cannon-Brookes

                MICHAEL  AYRTON

                     The Matriarch
                        oil on board

     Provenance: Boundary Gallery
        Literature: 'Michael Ayrton' 
     J Laver, Grey Walls Press, 1948

                MICHAEL  AYRTON

                       Dark Trinity
                        46 x 36 cm
    Provenance:  Sothebys auction
             24 June 1985, lot 478

               MICHAEL  AYRTON

                  Eternal Triangle
                  gouache and ink
                 signed and dated
                        34 x 25 cm
 Magda Paton-Freeman collection
  [ex-BBC - on Nazi death list for          responding to Lord Haw Haw]
            Andrew Burt collection
     Exhibited: Agnews, one-man                      1984, p. 9, cat. no. 24
         [Self portrait + Joan Foa + 
                  Fay Pomerance]

                                       MICHAEL  AYRTON  -  Icarus, 1940
                                             watercolour & ink, 39 x 55 cm
                                    Provenance:  Leicester Galleries, 1940
                              Sothebys auction, 10 December 2013, lot 327
              Literature: 'Michael Ayrton..', J Nyenhuis, Wayne State, no. 1
                                [Ayrton's first Greek Mythology painting]

                            Later Paintings  -  1947-67

                MICHAEL  AYRTON

                  The House, Ischia
                       oil on board
                   signed and dated
                         31 x 25 cm
  Literature: Cannon-Brookes p.28;
 'Michael Ayrton..', J Hopkins 2021

                 MICHAEL  AYRTON

                Whistler in the Field
                        oil on canvas
                    signed and dated
                          38 x 46 cm
  Provenance: Bruton Gallery, 2017

               MICHAEL  AYRTON

                  Icarus Sunstruck
                      oil on board
                  signed and dated
                      183 x 122 cm
    Provenance: Christies auction
         17 November 2011, lot 156
        Exhibited: 'Michael Ayrton'
         one-man exhibition, 1991
   Austin Desmond Fine Art, no. 19

               MICHAEL  AYRTON

                    Night Thought
         oil, collage & ink on board
                        35 x 50 cm
    Provenance:  Christies auction
               26 May 1995, lot 29

               MICHAEL  AYRTON

     Icarus - Head at High Velocity
                       oil on board
                        40 x 50 cm
       Provenance: Bruton Gallery

                 Study for painting:

     Icarus - Head at High Velocity
                      ink and wash

           Icarus - Modified Head 1
                       oil on board
                        39 x 52 cm

  Provenance: Matthiesen Gallery;
           Heidi Hruska collection

               MICHAEL  AYRTON

                    Birth of Phanes
           oil and collage on board
                        32 x 50 cm
   Provenance: Andrew Burt coll'n.
   Exhibited:  one-man exhibition,      Birmingham City Museum, 1977

                   MICHAEL  AYRTON  -  Cycladic Shore at Dusk, 1961
                           oil on canvas, signed and dated, 40 x 60 cm
                    Provenance: Matthiesen Gallery, one-man exhib., 1961

                             MICHAEL  AYRTON  -  Minoan Landscape, 1961
                                             oil on canvas, signed, 63 x 76 cm
   Provenance: Matthiesen Gallery, one-man exhib., 1961, no. 27 [illust.]
                   Dumouchelles auction, USA, 12 November 2004, lot 2016

               MICHAEL  AYRTON

      Maze Maker ll - Copper Seam
        acrylic & collage on canvas
                  signed and dated 
                       152 x 102 cm
        Provenance: Ayrton family
  Literature:  Cannon-Brookes, 152
  'Maze Maker', paperback cover

               MICHAEL  AYRTON

                    Daedalus Head
                  acrylic on canvas
                        30 x 40 cm

                MICHAEL  AYRTON

                     Bird and Hand
       acrylic and collage on board
                         40 x 50 cm
       Provenance: Artist's family;
              Private collection, UK

                                        MICHAEL  AYRTON  -  Phoenix, 1967
                                         acrylic and collage on board, signed
                            Provenance: Magda Paton-Freeman collection


Journey Through the Head
metallic paint and collage
signed and dated
76 x 53 cm

Provenance: the artist;
R S Johnson International, Chicago.

Literature: 'Michael Ayrton..', Prof. J Nyenhuis, 2003, Wayne State                                        University Press, p. 175, plate 197.
Exhibited: 'Homage to Michael Ayrton', R S Johnson, Chicago, 1984
                        catalogue, p. 23, plate 14 


                MICHAEL  AYRTON

           Self Portrait with Mirror
                      ink and wash
                         50 x 35 cm
      Literature: 'Michael Ayrton..'
         Justine Hopkins, 2021, p. 1

               MICHAEL  AYRTON

               Minotaur Surprised
                      ink and wash
                        49 x 40 cm
  Provenance: The artist's family;
            Andrew Burt collection
         Literature: Nyenhuis, 809

                MICHAEL  AYRTON

                 Minotaur Enraged
                  signed and dated
                         34 x 22 cm
Provenance: Grosvenor Gall., 1964
              Bruton Gallery, 2000;
            Andrew Burt collection

                MICHAEL  AYRTON

                 Minotaur Enraged
                        69 x 44 cm

            Provenance: The artist; 
             Private collection, UK;
Lyon & Turnbull, 20.4.2011, lot 172
   Exhibited: 'Homage to Michael             Ayrton', 1984, R S Johnson,                 Chicago, cat. p. 14, plate 3.
      Literature: '.Michael Ayrton..' 
  P Cannon-Brookes, 1978, pl. 163

                MICHAEL  AYRTON

                      Looking Glass
                         ink & wash
                         40 x 50 cm
       Provenance: Bruton Gallery
     one-man exhib., 1981, no. 158
       Robert Devereaux collection
     Sothebys, 4 Nov. 2010, lot 343

                MICHAEL  AYRTON

              Unfortunate Traveller
                 [book illustration]

                MICHAEL  AYRTON

                      English Myths
                 [book illustration]

Michael Ayrton became quite famous at a young age as one of the 'Neo-Romantic' group of artists which included Graham Sutherland, Keith Vaughan, John Minton, John Craxton, Leslie Hurry and Cecil Collins. 
He exhibited at all of the top UK galleries in the 1940s including one-man shows at the Leicester, Redfern, Hanover, Lefevre and Roland Browse & Delbanco galleries.
He was popular with art historians, critics, dealers and collectors.... then in 1954 he started to produce sculpture and everything changed, he was still popular with many collectors but everyone else turned on him, as in those days you weren't allowed to be a painter and a sculptor.
He was the first artist I collected as I was attracted by the Greek mythology themes and after 40 years I have never tired of his work - so inventive and original.
There are several books on his work and the Tate Gallery have a good collection of his paintings and sculpture.


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